Protecting Our Watersheds!

Protecting Our Watersheds (POW!) is a cross-curricular environmental literacy lesson-based program aligned with Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) that engages 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th grade students in local phenomena inquiry-based hands-on learning. POW! uses a multiple subject approach with a Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) component that culminates in an end of the year field trip experience for each grade. The main program objective is to ensure that every Central Coast student receives the opportunity to form meaningful connections with nature as part of a strategic plan to provide multi-year programming to promote equitable environmental education.

  • Develop cross-curricular curriculum based on Central Coast phenomena.
  • Adapt curriculum for each school district based on local phenomena.
  • Adapt field trips for each school district including a hands-on field journal (material relevant to your district) that students utilize while deepening their relationship with nature.

4th Grade Teacher’s Experience

Estero Bluffs Tide Pooling

The Impact of a Legacy

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